Friday, November 11, 2011

How? What? Why? China?

All valid questions.

Sometimes the answers escape me, but I will do my best to fill you in on how a blonde girl from California ended up in the middle of nowhere in China.

It has never been my plan or dream to move abroad and teach ESL.  To be frank, while it is a fascinating country, China wasn't even very high on my to-visit list (sorry, China).  BUT I am the kind of person who has trouble saying no to a dare.  When the opportunity to be paid to go to China fell in my lap ... I couldn't really think of a justifiable reason to say no.

I mean ...
Is it scary?  Yes.
Will I miss my friends and family?  Yes.
Will it be challenging?  Yes.
Will I miss Mexican food?  Yes.
Do I know Chinese?  No.
Do I like living in Winter?  Not really.
Do I even know anything about China?  ...

So, I guess the shortest answer to why I came to China is that I couldn't think of a reason to say no.

I apologize if that is not as inspired and dramatic as your sensitive tastes desire.  In my opinion, it is important to do frightening things from time to time ... and it's been awhile since the universe has thrown anything genuinely spine-tingling my way.  So I threw my comfort zone into the closet and packed my bags for China.  After this, I think I should be set for awhile.

Of course, to make this expedition really exciting, I had to move all crazy and last minute-like -- expedited passport and visa, never knowing what day I would actually leave, still working my regular job during one of the busiest times of year, driving between OC and Santa Monica over and over, and trying to eat as much Mexican food and cheese as possible (yes, this was just as important).  It was busy.  It was hectic.  Then I found myself at LAX about to board a flight to China, and I hadn't even had time to crack open my newly purchased Lonely Planet guide.  Talk about jumping into the deep end.

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