Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Where All Your Questions Are Answered

I know what you're thinking: "Wait, Reese, haven't you been in China for, like, a month now?"

Reese: "Yep.  Exactly a month."

You: "So ... um, why are we just now reading about you leaving for China?"

Reese: "@*!#$#% - #&*#* - )(@*#$!*  China.  We got a problem?"

. . .

Of course, you may also be thinking, "Reese?  Who the eff is Reese?"  Yes, I have moved to China and changed my name (kind of).  No, I don't think I need to be hospitalized (yet).  Truth is, I quite like my name.  I think my parents did a pretty good job w/ the whole naming business (shhh - don't tell them).

"So, why change it?" you may ask.

Here's the deal: my name is kind of hard to pronounce for folks who hail from the middle kingdom.  To be more precise, seeing my name on a piece of paper strikes fear into my co-workers (who are English teachers) and makes students run for the hills.  Rather than having the majority of my peers be afraid to speak with me, I have opted to go by a more China-friendly name.

So ... hello, I'm Reese.

For the record, it is really hard to remember to answer with your new name when someone introduces himself to you or asks what your name is.

I don't think I would be a good con-man.

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